Friday, October 30, 2009


Means end of week.
Free from a sprint of tasks at the office and free for thinking for the weekend schedules.

Well, the week is over but the day ain't. Bought a new hard drive today and amazingly got almost 30 % larger drive at 200 Rs lesser than what I bought just 4 months ago!! I wonder what Mr. Moore was thinking when he proposed that law.

But for some reason the retailer was selling me a PATA instead of SATA saying that it is more stable and last longer (maybe trying to scare me because I had to buy this new one because the older one is developing flaws already) but when I returned home, and googled a bit, I found that the PATA are not selling because the systems are moving in to SATA technology and they are costlier merely because they are hard to find. Legacy systems still need them and few companies manufacture them as a mainstream product.

Conclusion: It was a good decision to drop the offer of a PATA drive (Which was costlier by almost 50% and I would have gotten half the space for same price).

Now what? got to prepare a checklist of files and folder to backup, keep the drivers handy and reinstall my system with the brand bew 350G Hdd :) Hope this one lasts longer than last one.

Good Night :)