Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Puny virus booing the world


Been a while since I have posted here. Sometimes it is hard to prioritize your day and the first things to get the beating are the ones we enjoy the most over the ones that stand a greater material obligation. Be it a favorite hobby, a personal goal that is held in back of your mind from a long time or anything that you derive pleasure from. Because one, our mind is too occupied for pleasure and two that our calenders are too crowded for leisure. That rhymes! :-)

I am running out of the words already! or say that running out of amusing words because lately it has mostly been life in general minus some comfort thanks to a puny little virus that has held all the medical streams in its stride since the beginning of the times. Be it Ayurveda, Homeopathy, or any of those hard to spell streams of medicine. Correct guess. it's common cold! I dare the whole medical fraternity to find a vaccine to this inconvenience. Although this little uneasiness is within my threshold of discomfort any day (except the irritable nose from constant wiping :-D). But when you have to live a larger than average day both at home and work, it's effects become all the more pronounced.

Of course this virus deserves a little credit for this post because I would have been busy elsewhere either Tweaking, or reading, was it not for an urge to relax triggered by this little bug.

I have coughed and sneezed quite a few times while typing this. But don't worry, it wont affect you across the net. Take care. Yes, I am taking care too. See I can read minds! =)
