Sunday, March 27, 2011

Big B Tweeting in Punjabi today


A chair was bothering the great Big B while he was Tweeting today @SrBachchan.

Few very amusing tweets by him in light mood turned to Punjabi.

It was amusing and good to hear own language from him.

Also good to see a really candid side of him while he shared some more facts about his linguistic skills with the TwFmXt (Twitter Extended Family) as he lovingly calls his Twitter followers!

Got little time today guys wanted to quickly share this . Good night. TC. See ya soon.

Saturday, March 26, 2011

Hello...? ubuntu here!

Hi all!

You know what is unique about this post?

This one, I am keying in from ubuntu 10.10 running from my 4 GB USB drive! Reason is that I have to revise some aspects of Linux for an upcoming examination. So I thought that there must be someway to quickly try some commands.

What I was searching for was some public server that I can access using telnet or remotely try something over a web sharing session. But here I got it running on my own PC within 5 minutes of downloading the ISO file from http://www/

The process was so straight forward! Download the ubuntu ISO, download the USB installer, enable USB boot device in the BIOS, select removable drive to boot! That's all.

I have not set any persistence area on this USB device so will not be able to create any files or save any settings I make to the environment. That is, I will get to use a brand new installation of ubuntu in every session I log in. But that serves my purpose.

Also it reminds me of some games that I used to play on my RedHat installation when I was graduating. Even then the purpose was academic: Shell programming. This time I will just be running some file system commands and get to know the file system and device management in Linux. That'll be all.

Nice experience and it has got nice effects like wobbling windows that stretch and wobble when you move them around or resize and maximise and icons that you can right click to stretch. Something new and different from what I have been seeing on my!

I got to play with this for a while. Seeyaround.

Take care

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Parallel chases

As India is chasing Australian target of 261 to move up the WC2011 ladder, I am on a different kind of chase here. A day before the big day, all the likes of us have been through this kind of chase, racing through the  subject material for a three hour long performance. Target 350 pages, need 250 in next 6-10 hours at 25 per hour :-) Hope I will make it.

Of course I will because so many people have passed on best wishes for tomorrow. Call me superstitious but I believe that my lack of faith in religious deities is compensated by positive synergy that flows for me from my well wishers' hearts. I move ahead to accept any challenge and so far have managed to emerge with flying colors. Thanks to my close friends, parents, siblings and well wishers whose wishes and blessings protect my back and force my destiny to rule in my favor. So blessed I am!

My greatest regards to all these beautiful human beings in my life who keep me going on. Keep me from giving in. Keep me motivated to make that last effort when the times are toughest. I absolutely can not afford to make a slightest dent in their hearts. Amen!

Have to stop here because my right hand is bandaged due to suspected RSI. I dread that horrible term to be attached to my extremities. Hope it will be fine by morning. :(

Take care!

Tuesday, March 22, 2011


The title says it all.

The fad is infecting all and it is getting so addicting that now I am feeling that I would need a parental control tool for my own self! There is so much useless amusement about the internet that it takes some effort to switch to useful work while online.

By the way, a friend suggested a cool site for listening free Indian music online Is it legal? Anyways listening to a nostalgic song by Safri Boys: Rahe rahe jaan waliye (Hey you fair lady walking along the way). The lyrics promising a love-till-death, unconditional, unending. The love that love should be. A nice way to recharge after spending a really hectic day at office!

Reminds me when I used to listen to a lot of music when I was schooling. Even switching off the fans so that I can enjoy every note of the song in solitary room for a few minutes. Sweating was ignored in favor of great food for soul: music.

Still a fan of music that used to captivate during those old days. More now when I often get out of sync with the latest bands and albums, I enjoy those tracks all the more.

Few days ago, someone asked me when I find time for bogging as I am working, studying and reading (technical) stuff at the same time. My answer: We can always spare some time for what we like to do. Just as we find time for whom we love.

Well, I think I went a little astray. Got to get back to work. Remember 5 are still to go? Actually 4 now.

Off I go. Take care.

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Visit to old age home

One of my friends had his birthday and invited me to accompany him on a visit to old age home where they were providing lunch for the day.

It was a gloomy sight to see abandoned old men and women only passing their days. The facility was providing only the basic amenities and some recreation. But what good is all the recreation if you are not in the best frame of your mind? Ill-treated, abandoned or separated from dear ones by acts of God. They probably have no more objectives in life and just living on...

The staff of the facility deserves a mention and a token of respect who are definitely more patient and caring than the ones whom these old men and women bore and brought up: to their own ill luck.

Life has its facets. Got to live with it. All we can do is contribute to make their life a bit easier. I think we all should add this to our lists to do some charity for these institutions. Whenever we feel like throwing a bash, we should also keep aside a small share of our recreational budget to empower these institutions.

I will, are you joining in?

Holi for India but not the humanity

I saw the markets perched up with colors and curious apparatus that are a kid's delight because these toys give them the power to spew colorful water on each other to commemorate what they might have no idea about. Saw eager shopkeepers, curious kids and cautious parents trying, testing, bargaining and buying toys and colors to celebrate the holy festival - Holi.

Witnessing all this was also a mind that was loud aware of latest crisis that has fell upon humanity. Japan's quake, tsunami and radiation. Civil war in Bahrain that happens to be my birth place also and still home to one of my cousins, The war of independence in  Libya and Cholera in Haiti. The Hiranyakashipu has already struck this time and Holika was too late to save Prahlada.

Amidst all these thoughts racing through my mind, I was also wondering if human civilization really shares the suffering across distances? Do we care more about Japan's situation than a mention of awe about the happening? Does being connected with rest of the world means only to be informed. Should it not also raise concern and pain?

My point here is not about acting upon the crisis and running out to help. Although that would be a noble thing to do. Donating and helping always is, but I behold a deep-felt sorrow for a troubled race above an act of donation and charity because latter might be a consequence of ego and pride rather than a sense of responsibility and concern.

I wonder how many of us would postpone the ideas of having fun because of sorrow and grief being shouldered by far away inhabitants of the same kind we are.

Do we really belong to one race? Of do we believe more in living in our own niche and rejoicing, feeling sad and acting about only what affects our own haven?

On a second thought, I think it would be inappropriate to gauge the concern of people participating in the above hustle about the crisis human race is facing from mere participation in shopping for the festival. The shopkeeper might be (or have to) sell for bread for his kids, the parent want the kids to be happy and the kids are still too innocent to be concerned.

[Just a stream of thoughts]

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

One down, five to go

Exams they are! It has been almost two decades that I have been appearing in exams now.

One sec...! Did I mention decades to refer to a time span in my life? Damn! What do you call a person who measures his age in decades? Forget it...I'm still a student :-)

Back to the point, examinations always turn on the same cycle of thoughts. Am I prepared? Will I finish on time? Am I nervous?

To say honestly I feel no different that a 5th grader going for the exams. Some nervousness, doubt about preparation, double check stationary, loss of appetite and all are still the same :-) and in some way they are good too for if you care the least, you might end up too confident and when that happens, bad things happen.

Busy month ahead and a visit to this page tends to refresh me a bit. Going to get freshen up and get back to business with my books till sleep-does-us-apart.

You take care. Bye

Monday, March 14, 2011

The headlight leveling device - 1

Hi there again!

I mentioned a headlight leveling device that I plan to build (or fail on it) for my bike. Overall I am looking for some DIY fun. (Look for other posts with the labels in this post)

Till now I know that this apparatus is going to be a contraption of some electronics, limit switches, reduction motor, worm-gear and wiring. And also that it has to be housed in a water tight enclosure. So, it left me wondering how I will construct a container for such an arrangement. Because the components have to be precise, I needed some very finely built container that can house all the components and also allow them to operate (adjust the headlight up and down).

Acrylic sheets was the first option. But where to find them. Maybe some glazier has them. I could have also used aluminum sheet but working on that might be a bit tough with the tools I have got. So acrylic was the way.

Now there comes another need to cut it in precise shapes and that too in correct alignment. Don't think it is just a box that will be needed. Although I have not drawn anything out yet on paper, I can imagine that there will be holes, slides, locks etc to hold various components in place in the assembly. Quite interesting!

The moment of discovery was when I went to get my car's acrylic number plate fixed. I saw that they can cut quite precise shapes and pretty small fonts out of a 5-10 mm acrylic sheet!

"Cool", I thought and asked the owner that if I get them an engineering drawing sort of image, can they cut that out of one of those sheets?

He said, "why not"?

So there we are! All I have to do is get a drawing of each component that makes up the whole housing of the leveling device and get them cut out from them. I may have to file or sand or even get some redone but there is a very good possibility that I can get any kind of contraption cut out of my choice of acrylic sheet and then screw them together in shape. Although nothing is on paper yet, this, I would say is the R&D phase. :-)

Stay tuned!

Got my copy of 'Pages of Life'

The Pages of Life is a publication, a collection of poems authored by an emerging literary personality, Amritbir Kaur who happens to be an online friend of mine as well. Lucky me!

A review of the publication was also published in The Sunday Tribune on 27th Feb. Read it here.

Now it sounds a  bit odd for a Software Engineer to read an anthology of poems. I have never been good at comprehending poetry of this level of maturity and depth. Twinkling little stars, and falling London Bridge is another matter altogether. :-)

I think it will be a great experience trying to relate to the thoughts of a poetess so accomplished in her field. Let us see if I am able to gain some fruit in this garden of deep rooted thoughts.

Should let the steam off. But can't!

Hi there!
These are one of those days when 24 hours in a day and 60 mins in an hour seem just too less. There is so much to do in the next month that I am already feeling overwhelmed. Now that is not work related. That, I am already used to. It is what comes after the final bell rings at the office that the ordeal begins.

Reason? Self assigned goals, some related to academics and others related to just upgrading myself for the career goals. Why do the guyz at Redmond keep on inventing??

Some unhealthy tendons, owing to my participation in recent sports is restricting me from the lovely evening jogs also add to the steam. Another favorite stress buster gone. Gym is also on hold for a while to save time for other more important things. So how to let the steam off? Maybe meditation.

However, it is not going to last more than a month and then I shall be off to a relieving routine..sighhhhh. Till then I need to keep my nerves together and focus!

Ciao guyz , got to study!
Good night

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Stress or season?


I will be down early today because brain is shouting SOS. I wonder if it is stress or change in season or anxiety related to my academia that I have to attend to in coming month.

Also, lately, I have been keeping up pretty late into the night and I think a sleep deprived brain has not maintained the body well.

Any suggestions for relief from stress?? An evening jog used to be a good stress buster but can't do that as well because I am relaxing my ankle to prepare for cricket match this weekend. Had it sprained during the last one. I think a good sleep should do the job.

So there I go... Ciao!

Z Z z z z...

Monday, March 7, 2011

Call it a day or not?

As i return from Jalandhar after doing a few planned and a couple of unplanned errands, the one that was on top priority has concluded to another official delay. But I was expecting worse. So after meeting an old friend and a bit out of order appetite, I would call it a day.

Bus has halted, I better catch some air. See you in a few minutes.

Sent from my Nokia phone

Sunday, March 6, 2011

The headlight leveling device - 0

Hey! I have been bitten by DIY bug lately. Although I plan to do a lot but this one really entices me.

I hope you know I got a ride few months ago. I am having a great time with this one and it is a pretty nice riding bike as well.

I used this to ride to office along with a pillion, usually my sister. Towards the time we are home, it would be dark and I would have to turn the headlights on. Now, I had to tune their tilt for an optimal position for when I am riding with headlights on with or without the pillion. It is somewhat inconvenient when riding in the condition that the lights are not adjusted to. For example if they are tuned for pillion rider then without the pillion's weight, beam will focus too high. In some cases I feel that I need to focus more on the road to see the potholes. I think that is too much to demand from that bike but what stops us from demanding.

Adjusting headlight require to loosen a screw on the underside of headlight assembly, then slide the headlight to appropriate position and tighten the screw again. Needs few minutes, you have to get a tool and need to be off the road.

I thought, what if I can adjust them in a few seconds using some electronics while I am still riding it? Sounds cool doesn't it? Just like the one's we have standard on all cars.

So I have decided to give it some thought and find it pretty feasible with the skills and resources I have. I will discuss more on this soon.

PS: You can follow this and other DIY tasks using the labels attached to this post.

Monday arrives sononer than Friday!

"Monday arrives sooner than Friday!"

Sounds like a couch potato's punchline. But there is definitely a fact in that one. We are so busy in living the weekends that sometimes we just do not happen to notice when the weekend was over. Work refreshes me so living the week is also not much of an issue for me at the moment. :-)

The title should not lead you to believe that I have been partying overnights or hiking at 12000 ft or been into similar sort of stuff during the past two days. All I have been into is one, picking up the lost sleep which, it now seems have been overdone a bit :-) and second, attend to a heap of errands that has been piling up during the week.

One funny thing is that I wanted to clean the closet from so long and this time I had finally cleaned the closet. Fun part is that it is still clean, to mean literally, with nothing in it and a pile of what should be in there, sharing bed with me! he he...I have to fix this very soon! Glad that I at least attempted.

No. That was just for sake of humor. I am a pretty organized guy otherwise and also when I am playing unorganized guy :-).

Tomorrow I am headed to attempt an important pending task 'again'. This one has become a real pain in the 'neck' now (children might be reading this ;-) ). Well I am pretty cool and as long as this pending task does not seriously affect me, I am okay at trying again and again. What is this enigma I am talking about? That is a whole story and I will get back to it some other time if I get this one right. People close to me, make your best guess and you got it!

So! Wish me luck and wishing you all good night. Enjoy the week ahead.