Sunday, January 30, 2011

Television entertains me no more...

It is Sunday and here I am in my room, with sound from a TV in the living room filtering into my room. But I do not intend to move into the living room to watch whats going on although it sounds entertaining from here.

Because I very well know that the moment I start gaining interest in the subject on air, a commercial will pop up and while I will be watching the commercial, a thought in the back of mind will suggest that this is not entertainment! and this is the time I could be utilizing for somthing productive like sharpening my skills or working on my fitness. Or doing some stuff that happens to be more engrossing like this page I am typing on.

There used to be a time when on returning home TV used to be one of my favorite source of entertainment  second only to PC. There used to be days when whole week was spent on meditating on that one hour of sheer love for "The Jungle Book" or the "Duck Tales". But lately I have observed that it has rarely been able to retain my attention for more than 10 minutes at a stretch.

Turns out that many things have taken over my time and I cannot spare enough patience to let that commercial break take away my quality TV-Watching time. Instant food, instant drinks, instant tech support and now I (or we?) am looking for Instant-Entertainment.

Moreover with more than a couple of hundred channels, who remembers the schedule and what warrants that one will be available to watch at that time given so many nitty-gritty tasks that keep on popping up all the time. On top of that there are those 5 min long commercial breaks that are enough to divert attention to another channel leading to 'I-am-watching-three-movies-at-a-time' syndrome.

I see myself turning to internet for news, online music, and maybe some purchased movies for non-stop, commercial-free entertainment. Discovery knows my perils and they have put those hour long programs on YouTube and Does anyone out there seem to relate??

For now, it is good bye Idiot-Box. I have grown up!

Appreciation for blog


"i just read your "Black Pearls" .. all of them .. just awesome .."


"when i started reading ...i was thinking ..what are these black pearls ..bcoz i
had never heard abt black pearls before .. but the way you explained how those
are within us.... simply awesome .."

Heartiest thanks to whoever posted these comments!

The above refers to posts on

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Big sunday tomorrow - Nothing to loose

Hi Again,
There are conditions in some of ours' lives that are not solely our folly but tend to add a big dent in the way our life progresses. GOD has been generous enough not to treat me any different (someone detects sarcasm here? maybe yes!). As a result, I have been subject to mission of resolving an years old impediment that has been pulling me back since long. I will sure discuss in detail later on because this is another chapter in my life that has put my perseverance, patience and belief system to test.

Tomorrow I hope this will end for good. When you do not have that one thing, the fight to obtain the same becomes all the more interesting because you can go over the edge to achieve what you do not have without having any fear of loosing anything. Simply because you have nothing to loose!

That one got a bit philosophic. But applies to my situation in this case anyways. For now, I wish the reader pass me some luck for tomorrow. :-)

Good night and have a great weekend!

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

How's 2011 unfolding?

Now that I am a couple of weeks into the new year. I have a feeling that the turns of events that I discussed here have unfolded quite positively, although much is still to follow but if the start of a journey is good, it is always known to be a good omen everywhere for rest of it. Taking that into account, I am on an emotional high and able to view everything through an optimistic lens these days.
Much much is on the cards for me this time. Some tasks are self assigned and others are responsibilities. Nothing that I am subject to at this moment seems to be a burden. Although exertion is sometimes a side effect. A jog and little twisting turning out in a local park is a good treatment for the same.
A sudden change in thoughts here, long time ago, almost around childhood, I used to be a curious kid tweaking stuff, connection wires around and making small mechanical contraptions from my old broken toys. These days around, the same instinct has caught back and I am now feeling that this activity is also a good connect!
So look forward to some DIY stuff that I wish to document well on these pages. Maybe a gadget for my bike, a piece of furniture or just random stuff.
So! Off I go now.
Take care.

Monday, January 3, 2011

Resolutions Ho!

Hello and welcome to 2011!

We make some promises at the beginning of every year and try to stay true to them. However, as these promises are made to ourselves while sipping a coffee or waiting at a traffic stop; casually in other words; we are at all the liberty to break those self made promises without any feeling of remorse because it is all within us.

So better let the whole world know what you are up to so that everyone can pull your ears and say, "Hey kid! what about your promises you made the other day?". Or even if they don't, awareness about the fact that you have expressed your intentions to rest of the world is motivation enough to have one carry on.

So here is the meat. I have decided to stick to two activities that I dearly hope to imbibe into my personality. Now when you stick to something on a routine, it becomes a habit, habit becomes a trait and lots of positive traits make a person better over time. Isn't that what our quest is all about? To get better and better each day?

Ironically, our minds also obey the laws of thermodynamics and tend to follow the more random path with ease. It takes some energy to bring order into this mind and reduce its entropy somewhat. That is why sticking to these seemingly small and most honestly made resolutions seems all the more difficult.

So activity number one is to read at least 20 pages of something technical each day. That is almost as quickly the technology changes in my field of interest so that will help keep pace with the times.

And second one is to stick to an active lifestyle regime, that includes breaking my relations with the quilts, blankets and recliners, bonding still better with gym and finishing pending tasks proactively so that they don't tend to clog my mental gateways.

A bonus resolution is that, for the good of planet and its beings, I will continue to stay a veggie and a teetotaler. :-)

Seemingly simple, but lets see how this kid performs this time. Good night :-)